
Tommmm DEEEEEELLLaaayyyyy

must be hard being a satirist when the real thing is so much worse than anything you could come up with

you are from being the first person to notice that. the right wing has been runover with morons babbling the same spoonfed nonsense. they have no self-awwareness, and thererfore can be counted on to continue driving themselves into the (political) ground.

Jan 18, 06 3:06 am  · 

Amazing news!!!

Tom Delay quitting Congress

Apr 4, 06 9:31 am  · 

allow me to be the instant buzzkill on this one. tom delay quit because if he had stayed in the race, a democrat would likely have won his congressional seat. no comrade is above dying for the revolution.

of course...sure, go ahead, gloat, don't pay attention to the fact that there are 10 or so republicans who are itching to take delay's place. and without the taint of delay on their minds, the suburban houstonians who go to the polls in his district just might once again feel good voting republican.

Apr 4, 06 10:15 am  · 

Goddamnit ochona, I'm enjoying this news and I don't really care what flipping party wins what, Delay is corrupt and smug and I'm glad to see him go in spite of whoever might take his place. No amount of buzzkilling is going to affect that.

Apr 4, 06 10:34 am  · 

ochonas response is interesting because what he is saying is that it's only important a republican gets the doesn't matter which republican. this is the sort of lock-step thinking has gotten us record deficits, a bloated government, the wire-tapping of innocent americans, and best of all...a military action for which there appears to be no way out...but no matter.
i'm glad to see one of the most corrupt people in government gone...but it's only temporary...he will be prowling the halls of wshington as a lobbyist, filling abramhoffs shoes probably within the month.

Apr 4, 06 11:33 am  · 

Ya, I think he should be given a restraining order....can't be within 1,000 miles of Washington DC, but that will never happen.

Apr 4, 06 4:37 pm  · 

what i'm saying is, tom delay resigning is one of the worst things that could happen to democrats this election season. that lightning rod is now off the roof.

Apr 4, 06 7:03 pm  · 

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