
What architecture style is this?


Hey all, Im a concept artist and I would appreciate if any of you could help me identify what architecture style or styles the creators of these images may have pulled inspiration from? (Ive grouped them into what I believe are similar looking styles)

Even if you only know one of them,
anything would be appreciated, thank you!

Mar 10, 24 11:26 pm
Non Sequitur

they all share a hint of rococo but all are certainly heavily influenced by the late 1580 mannerist period.  The heavy posterization certainly is a dead giveaway. 

Mar 28, 24 8:45 am  · 
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Mar 28, 24 9:25 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Thing is, I'm not wrong.

Mar 28, 24 10:40 am  · 

You are not wrong.

Mar 28, 24 11:05 am  · 

Its more a hint of Rocco (sorry that was adult-rated)

Mar 28, 24 1:46 pm  · 
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I love hot rococo with romarshmallows...

Mar 29, 24 6:52 pm  · 
Wood Guy

"Eclectic style."

Mar 28, 24 11:50 am  · 

1-3: Hobbiton

4-6: Capitalism

Mar 28, 24 12:18 pm  · 

I know it's not Architecture but I rather like the Hobbiton style.  ;)

Mar 28, 24 1:12 pm  · 
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1. Definitely British/French Arts & Crafts, Art Nouveau from the late 19th century. Look up Owen Jones and Hector Guimard.

2. Pretty utilitarian space so "style" is harder to pin down. Something between Tudor Revival and Neo-Gothicism. Look up cabinets of curiosities from the 17th century.

3. The interior looks early 20th century modernism, but each are pretty vague. Look up commercial interiors from Adolf Loos and other German architects. 

4. Capitalism

5. Also early 20th century Tudor-Gothic style, with a massing that looks like 1920s colleges and institutions in the US.

6. Yes, Capitalism, but look more specifically at the late 19th century department stores in Europe. Le Bon Marche in Paris. It also vaguely reminds me of the massive neo-classical buildings in the USSR and PRC at different points in the 20th century.

Keep in mind that these images are very much collages... they aren't "accurate" to these suggestions. Have fun! Library books are very useful for references, a bit less maddening than the internet. 

Mar 28, 24 2:58 pm  · 
4  · 

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