
CPBD exam specifications under review by NCBDC.

1201 AD. The siege of Varna. Bulgaria for the win!
May 22, 16 2:09 pm  · 

I looked at a series of photos on the theater's facebook where I could see the pilasters to the left and right of the door, unobstructed from the floor up.  I counted the bricks there and found that the centers of the lights mounted on the pilasters are at the 37th brick - so about 99 inches from the floor.  This means that this door probably is 8 feet tall.   My theory is supported by the proportion of the door in relation to the light switch to the left of the door.  The tops of switch boxes are usually at 48 inches aff.  When there's a switch box adjacent to a typical 6'-8" or 7'-0" door you don't see half or more of the door above the height of the switchbox, as you do here.  The placement of the door hardware a little below the height of the switch box is also in keeping with typical hardware mounting range, but there's more of the door visible above the hardware than there would be for a 6'-8" or 7 foot tall door.  In photos of people standing in or near that doorway the doorway also appears to exceed 7 feet, unless all of the people of Astoria are unusually short.  I'd say you're off by 8 inches to a foot on your building height calculations Mr. Balkins.

May 22, 16 2:57 pm  · 


The door is about 7' tall. It's a standard commercial 42" wide glass door. You are forgetting about the header. Whatever the original door was, was originally 6'-10" and was narrower than the current door. The opening was notched out a whole CMU row up to the width of 36 door way with would be around 38" to 39" wide when you frame in the opening with 2x wood and 1x for door stop so it does't swing the opposite direction of its set swing direction. When they widen for a 42" door, they only notched out part of the brick instead of removing an entire row of CMU to accomodate a 7' door. Do I have to draw you a picture. 

It's a little awkward because they had different doors in that spot over the years. Total height of the opening is about 89.5" from floor to the header.

Remember your stem wall that is the foundation wall is not exactly aligned to 8" unit heights. For example, I said a Concrete foundation wall of about ~25.5"  Add 8 CMU rows on top of 25.5". 25.5" + (8x8") = 25.5"+64" = (How much? Get you calculator out if you have to.) 

89.5". If you are just an inch higher than that. It doesn't make a bit of difference because they can grind or adjust the floor It doesn't add a row of CMU. 

There is no half height CMU's being used along the wall. There is still 5 rows of CMU to the height of the pilasters. EVERY 3 rows of bricks on the pilaster aligns with the CMUs. 

The bricks are 2-1/4" in height. The mortar joints combined is about 1.25" for every three rows. The CMUs are 8" tall. 

You are just enjoying wasting my time and energy on this topic.

Sorry, End of story.

It doesn't matter what I say, you won't accept it so go fuck yourselves and stay the fuck out of my life all fuckers on this forum.

May 22, 16 3:02 pm  · 

It doesn't matter what I say, you won't accept it 

That's what happens when one has a history of lying, plagiarizing, math errors, factual errors, and invented statistics.  You have zero credibility.  Everything you say is worthless.

May 22, 16 3:07 pm  · 

They didn't use an 8-ft. commercial door. The laundromat owners wouldn't have paid twice as much money for a special height door when they can use a cheaper door. It's the same damn door as was on the laundromat at the time of the photo. If ASOC replaces the door at some point, it's minor solvable matter.

They may have not done it because an addition may eliminate needing a door there and leave it as an opening into a corridor as a straight egress. Who knows. They should have replaced the door with an ADA compliant door but okay. I didn't harp on them at the time as much as I probably could have. 

May 22, 16 3:08 pm  · 

Good bye. I'll just continue on with my business. 

Good Bye to this worthless forum. I'm not going to accept any webcast, interview or whatever from this forum.

Please delete my account, administrator including this thread and all posts FROM me on this forum.

Thank You.

May 22, 16 3:13 pm  · 

praise the gods of architecture

May 22, 16 3:31 pm  · 

"Please delete my account, administrator including this thread and all posts FROM me on this forum."

do it yourself, you lazy bum

May 22, 16 3:34 pm  · 


Only an admin on this forum can delete posts or accounts... otherwise, I would do it myself.

May 22, 16 3:38 pm  · 

dont delete it. this is what stupid looks like.

May 22, 16 3:39 pm  · 

I'll also advocate not deleting it - great resource to point at for why licensing matters. But I'm in favor of RWCBPBD leaving!

May 22, 16 3:42 pm  · 
"stay the fuck out of my life all fuckers on this forum."

Says the guy who started this whole thing. You can't stay away. The Internet is your addiction. Enabling your narcissism. You don't have a business. You have no projects. You can't use a tape measure. You can't count. Your writing is worse than an 8th grader. Your thinking is delusional, prejudiced, and full of assumptions that defy all logic.

Admins, please do not delete Balkins from the system. His tragic tale deserves preservation for all posterity.
May 22, 16 3:43 pm  · 

^ actually, Rick didn't design's an example of why licensure doesn't matter since the  licensed engineer and contractor apparently fucked it up.  Rick was just being a creeper. 

May 22, 16 3:44 pm  · 

I'm in favor of keeping the thread, so that when anybody googles "AIBD", "CPBD", "NCBDC", "Richard Balkins", " building designer", or "Clatsop Community College", they will find this and know what they're risking by getting involved with any of those.

May 22, 16 3:48 pm  · 
1215. Magna. Freaking. Carta.
May 22, 16 3:55 pm  · 
Oh I'm aware he didn't design it. I just mean he is the one who brought up the theater project.
May 22, 16 3:59 pm  · 

In 1217, the Estonian tribal leader Lembitu of Lehola was killed in a battle against Teutonic Knights, and wouldn't it be sweet if Balkins was actually quitting Archinect?

May 22, 16 6:21 pm  · 
I'm guessing it will be 12-18 hours before he's back posting again.
May 22, 16 6:29 pm  · 

He's off to buy a tape measure with a max length of 19'10"

May 22, 16 6:54 pm  · 

How long until we can invite miles back then?

May 22, 16 7:18 pm  · 

Oh, I wouldn't give him even 12 hours to stay gone.  I've seen him do this on other forums. The instant that anyone sarcastically says they "miss" him or wonders about his whereabouts he will return in full force - thus proving he's been lurking all along - and claim that those sarcastic comments are earnest pleas for his return and proof that the forum couldn't function without him.  If you want him to stay gone then never, ever mention his name, even in jest or derision.  

May 22, 16 8:54 pm  · 

'he who must not be named'

May 22, 16 9:23 pm  · 
I wonder what his "precious" is...
May 22, 16 9:26 pm  · 


May 22, 16 9:35 pm  · 

I think he'd be a perfect whitewalker

May 22, 16 10:02 pm  · 

Ted Ames is a hard man to reach but eventually I'll get the report from him.  Then we can see how badly you (correct me, the contractor) botched this project up Ricky Balksterinaldo.  

CPBD question: 

You measure the underside of a rook deck at 20'-1".  Choose 1 of the following:

a.  bring a 1" thick piece of plywood and take your measurement from the top of plywood to bring the height to 20'-0".

b.  chop off your tape measure at 19'-11" and just hold it at whatever distance it takes to make the space conform.

c.  hire a kangaroo to jump up to the bottom of the structure and drop a string to the ground.  cut the string where it touches the floor and then measure it with a drone operated theodolite.

d.   become a moderator of the IBC and make your own determination based on opinion not facts or established codes.

May 23, 16 4:39 pm  · 

Are you co-dependent?

May 23, 16 5:01 pm  · 


I been inside the building. It is 19'-8 3/4" to 19'-9 1/4" from a laser meter. I measured along the center-line on either side of the ridge that forms a V shape. I measured on the sheathing side. So even if we gave +/- half inch. The average along the floor is 19'-9". On a safeguard, I'd still give the measurements to be within +/- 1" of the average. This gives for fractional irregularity of the floor and compensates for even slight lengthening of measurement readings caused by a slight angle. A slope angle is always longer than a straight horizontal or vertical line to the point.

Oh yes, I got a photo from inside showing the whole pilaster. You might need to adjust brightness and contrast for easier viewing but the photographic data is still there. Guess what, if you want the photo, you are going to pay for it. 

It's going to be $25,000. The proceed minus taxes is going to a special donation fund to the Astor Street Opry Company. 

It would be nice when the asshole who files complaints to fire departments and city building department as a personal attack against  a no body and causes trouble for other pays for the fixes. Had you took courtesy and professionalism such as contacting ASOC about the issues first instead of causing a shit storm.

That is all I intend to say on this. Contact me with real name. I will not send the photos to anonymous person.

May 23, 16 6:21 pm  · 

That is all I intend to say on this.

He said, for the thousandth time.

May 23, 16 6:29 pm  · 

Now, I'm confirm on the height is in the figures I have said. I am not going to argue the measurements with you keyboard couch potatoes that has no life other than pissing off people. If you want the photo, the proceed goes to the ASOC (with tax portion that I have to pay to the State for any amount that has to pass through my account.) Alternative, is a signed receipt for the donation to capital campaign funds for the Astor Street Opry Company of the amount of $15,000. Proof of that, and I'll send the photo. 

May 23, 16 6:35 pm  · 

He left, but no form gave him an excuse to come back. This is all on no form.

May 23, 16 6:37 pm  · 

From May 22, 16 3:38 pm to May 23, 16 6:21 pm. Total of 26 hrs, 43 min. Well at least he made it more than a day.

BTW, Rick, you can delete your own account. No need for an administrator to do that. Just click on the "Edit Settings" link in the sidebar on the left. Then see where it says "Close Account"? Just click the "X Remove" button.

May 23, 16 6:44 pm  · 

EI, haven't you seen Terminator 2? Robots can't self-destruct.

May 23, 16 6:46 pm  · 

just to be clear balkins, this is your shit storm.  and i thought you were leaving?  i dangled some bait and you came at it like Jaws.  

keyboard couch potato.  is that your self-description?  99% of us are working full time.  you know, designing buildings.  unlike yourself.  

i hope you've got $25K plus the legal fees for when ASOC takes you to court.  

btw my real name is I.C. Weiner.  you can contact my personal assistant, Amanda Hugginkiss for details about getting a check.  

May 23, 16 6:54 pm  · 
Is he trying to fundraiser for these people in nefarious ways? What happened to ethics, Rick?
May 23, 16 6:56 pm  · 


Every post you made on this forum is grounds for being fired and terminated at a place of employment because you are using employment time for person non-work related activities.

Josh, what happened to ethics of contacting the property owners, first and let them have time to resolve it? That was kind of a dick move, don't you think?

May 23, 16 7:08 pm  · 

I can't speak for no_form, but my employer values my skills enough to tolerate occasional forum posting and facebook use.

This isn't shiftwork at McDonalds, my salary is task-based, not time based. 

By all means, though, go through the effort of reporting it. That's a good use of your time.

May 23, 16 7:10 pm  · 

a dick move, is when a guy named dick balkins sells out his client, or non-client, because you didn't do this project.  thankfully there are licensed architects with a code of ethics who took action to ensure the HSW of your community.  

May 23, 16 7:11 pm  · 
null pointer



Are you a licensed surveyor?

You're not a licensed professional. You're measurements mean jack shit.

Carry on.

May 23, 16 7:11 pm  · 

null pointer, 

The laser and the computer inside the laser measure does the measurement. All in about a second or less. All I do is find about the middle of the building which is nice because you can see it in the slab floor. Put the base of the laser meter on the ground (about 2" on either side of absolute center and point the laser to the point where the plywood sheathing and the ridge board meets. Make sure the red dot is in the spot and like the button for the meter to take a reading and output the range distance. Then jot the numbers on to a piece of paper.

It's pretty accurate. Resolution to the 1/16th of an inch. Good enough.

License Land Surveyors do not measure buildings interiors. This is an exempt building that falls into ORS 672.060. Yes, my measures do mean jack shit. Thank you very much.

May 23, 16 7:25 pm  · 

There is a setting to measure from the end, or the center if you have a tripod, or the side.  are you sure you were on the setting for the edge rather than the center?  that would make you off by a couple inches.

May 23, 16 7:28 pm  · 


Yes, it was set to the correct setting. I do know how the thing works. They made this thing called an instruction manual.

May 23, 16 7:33 pm  · 

Balkins you have claimed numerous times in this thread that you advised the theater 9 years ago on what they needed to do to meet code, and that they knowingly chose to cut corners on numerous different issues.  You had already stated that long before anyone decided to call the city or the fire department.  First: knowing that the theater has that history, why would anybody contact them?  They've had 9 years to correct problems that, according to you, they knew about full well since the get-go.  Second:  as I've explained to you previously, a licensed architect is required by law to contact the authorities about all of these issues when we become aware of them.  We don't have a choice in that.  We could lose our licenses for not doing so.  Third:  there is the matter of hundreds of lives at risk every week.  You've never, in these thousands of posts, ever shown any concern over that at all.  That's frightening and disgusting.  Some of us know what could happen here and do care about it.

As for your measurements:  they're worthless.  You can't measure and you can't do arithmetic and you have a conflict of interest that would prevent your findings from ever being considered valid even if you were able to measure and do math.

May 23, 16 7:34 pm  · 

"The laser and the computer inside the laser measure does the measurement. All in about a second or less. All I do is find about the middle of the building"

"the hammer of the gun fired the bullet, i just flexed my finger against the trigger."  

balkins style logic.

May 23, 16 7:35 pm  · 

"That is all I intend to say on this."

May 23, 16 7:37 pm  · 

May 23, 16 7:38 pm  · 

I just called the theater. They've never heard of you.  When did you say you did that measuring and photography?

May 23, 16 7:41 pm  · 

So you think that people who report dangerous situations to building officials should have to pay to fix those issues?  Think through the implications of that.  Every cheap building owner who wants to save a dime at the cost of potential injuries or deaths would just ignore codes.  Nobody would report the code infractions, lest they be forced to pay for opening their mouth.  Everybody would look the other way, until a hundred people die.   I'd rather have people call the authorities.  If the theater decided to skimp in 2007 then boohoo for the theater - now they can either pay to fix it in 2016 construction costs, or they can close up shop and spare all potential future victims.  Perhaps this will also have the added benefit that the whole theater company will tell all their friends and neighbors what happened as the result of hiring an "unlicensed building designer".

May 23, 16 7:47 pm  · 

As for your measurements:  they're worthless.  You can't measure and you can't do arithmetic and you have a conflict of interest that would prevent your findings from ever being considered valid even if you were able to measure and do math.

Conflict of Interest laws applies to public officials, dick head.

Based on your logic, you can't measure anything for yourself as you have a conflict of interest. Send a 1000 architects over with laser distance meter. They aren't going to come up with an 8" height difference without being several feet off of center line along the North/Axis of the main building section in question. 

So FUCK YOU, and stuff your opinion up your ass.

May 23, 16 8:09 pm  · 
Wow Rick. Did you wake on the wrong side of the bed this morning?

Also FYI we're bound by law to report any code non-compliance issues to the proper authorities, especially when the cause of said non-compliance is gross neglect of both standard of care, the code, and by a person unlawfully practicing architecture and putting lives in danger. How you cannot grasp this last part after this thread and your actions in it is beyond me.

Also conflict of interest lies with everyone, not just public officials. You need to grasp the difference between laws, morals, and ethics, and the intersection of all three.
May 23, 16 8:17 pm  · 

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