tp3 architekten

tp3 architekten

Linz, AT

picture: Ulrich Kehrer
picture: Ulrich Kehrer
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Kolping Themenweg

The different stopping points along the cross-way incorporate quotes by Adolph Kolping. Six cubes have been designed, independently of the different contents, on which the different quotes are written. A small-scale sculpture consisting of six different cubes, each with an approximate size of 50/50/50 cm. For each subject area there are six cubes arranged in groups of 2 x 2 x 2; one cube is polished and stands out with its shining surface. The remaining 5 cubes are rough and matt and will weather over time. The cube with the quote will remain 'pure'.

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Status: Built
Location: Puchenau, AT

picture: Ulrich Kehrer
picture: Ulrich Kehrer
picture: Ulrich Kehrer
picture: Ulrich Kehrer
picture: Ulrich Kehrer
picture: Ulrich Kehrer
picture: Ulrich Kehrer
picture: Ulrich Kehrer