AB design studio, inc.

AB design studio, inc.

Santa Barbara, CA | Los Angeles, CA

reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
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Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara

reception area + gallery remodel of art space.

technology display + furniture design.  

3,600 sq ft.

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Status: Built
Location: Santa Barbara, CA, US
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Josh Blumer, Clay Aurell

reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.
reception area + gallery remodel of art space. technology display + furniture design. 3,600 sq ft.