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Merriman Associates participates in Pecha Kucha Volume 9

Just two of the historic buildings that were demolished during the neighborhood's transition. Photographer Steven Corie outside his home in the Henderson Neighborhood A staple of the community is the lush green landscape that lines the streets. A major influence upon the Henderson Neighborhood has been the construction of the North Central Expressway, further disconnecting the streets connectivity. With a lack of public green space, vacant lots can become key nodes within the community with this one being transformed from a former residential lot into a dog park. Vitality of the area is just as dependent on community pride as it is on design. Removing utilities and creating a more pedestrian friendly atmosphere enhances the possibilities for community-wide activity. Transforming expanses of pavement into public space opens up the possibilities for more events that tailor themselves to the community. In this case it is the celebration of the artistic culture of the neighborhood.

Photographer Steven Corie outside his home in the Henderson Neighborhood

Photographer Steven Corie outside his home in the Henderson Neighborhood