At DJDS we use our innovations in architecture, design, and real estate development to attack the root causes of mass incarceration which we believe to be poverty, racism, lack of access to resources and the criminal justice system itself. Therefore, with our non-profit, government and community partners, we counter the societal inequities evident in the dominant architectural models of courthouses and prisons by co-creating new prototypes such as peacemaking centers, mobile villages and housing for foster age youth. Together, we harness the power of the built environment to create triple-bottom-line equity, and support the success and expansion of restorative justice, education, and workforce development programs.
Our bold idea is that by transforming the spaces and places where we do justice we can help our society make the shift from a punitive justice system to a restorative justice system. We hope to see peacemaking centers in every community in this country and end the age of mass incarceration.