emerymcclure architecture

emerymcclure architecture Diversity Badge

Female owned

Lafayette, LA


Thatchsquatch 2

Originally designed for the 2014 'Winterstations' competition in Toronto, Thatchsquatch investigates the physical and metaphysical characteristics of warmth. It physically incorporates layering and thickening and was originally designed to enrobe a lifeguard stand and shield the audience from ice and winds of a Canadian beach. The outer layer is thatched with bundles of reeds creating a dense coat; the interior layer is fringed with recyclable plastic grocery bags stitched tightly to form a downy fill. From afar, Thatchsquatch hunkers down to face the wintery bluster. Inside, a diaphanous and dense fringe-- white like snow, but soft like fur-- nestles the audience and frames the wide expanse of winter. These two layers create a thickness with independent framing systems that originally attached to each other and clamped around the lifeguard stand. It looks and acts like a warm coat. This installation, Thatchsquatch 2, presents a full scale material study of the original design.

emerymcclure architecture with Kristi Cheramie and Sarah Young

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Status: Built
Location: Lafayette, LA, US
Firm Role: Team Member with Kristi Cheramie and Sarah Young