Bomax Architects

Bomax Architects

Cape Town, ZA


Urban Edge Church


The church’s vision is to “connect people to people and people to God”. This slogan formed the basis for the design brief for Bomax Architects, who have created an auditorium, youth halls, classrooms, and connecting spaces to facilitate communication to all ages, specifically catering for mothers with infants, kids, youth and the disabled.
The Urban Edge Church in Durbanville continues to provide communities with great churches. This time it is for the newly established residential zone of Pinehurst behind Durbanville.

The new Pinehurst Urban Edge Church will be able to seat 1200 people in the main auditorium.

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Status: Built
Location: Pinehurst, South Africa
Firm Role: Architect

Main Auditorium Rendering
Main Auditorium Rendering
Interior Reception Rendering.
Interior Reception Rendering.
Interior Cafe Rendering.
Interior Cafe Rendering.