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Annex the Airspace | Local Broadcasting

The site plan and elevation show the scale of our undertaking. The area of effect is sufficiently large to be architectural in scale, and sufficiently populous to allow the ephemerally perception-based ‘space’ to materialize. The site plan and elevation show the scale of our undertaking. The area of effect is sufficiently large to be architectural in scale, and sufficiently populous to allow the ephemerally perception-based ‘space’ to materialize. We chose to use a system of cellular box kites which provide relatively high lifting performance as well as the possibility for a replicable, modular system, allowing our platform to easily expand as needed. Though this is our vision, prototypes are still under construction. We are still unsure if we will actually ever get this thing to work, but if so, time and location for the maiden flight/broadcast will be announced.

Though this is our vision, prototypes are still under construction. We are still unsure if we will actually ever get this thing to work, but if so, time and location for the maiden flight/broadcast will be announced.

Though this is our vision, prototypes are still under construction. We are still unsure if we will actually ever get this thing to work, but if so, time and location for the maiden flight/broadcast will be announced.