
FAU: School of Architecture B.Arch



Mar '12 - May '12

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    4 D5: Ever Morphosis Glades

    By kmartinf
    Mar 30, '12 8:48 PM EST

    At night, Shark Valley Loop becomes a gradient of information.
    Only the light of the moon will reveal pockets of fauna.
    The line between swamp and high grounds, disappears.
    As a consequence, amphibians dominate the environment.

    • The construction should have a dual role, or more so be capable of coexisting in the high grounds of the everglades and the swamps of such, like an amphibian.
    • Internally the system could introduce pockets of swamp, leaving the public user to wonder if he is in land or water. At the same time, it will bring an education platform. The permanent users (scientist) could use this as a testing zone in addition.
    • The carve out lands from the internal swamps will be re-purpose to angler the construct to the ground. Plus, help with the vertical circulation and provide a protection from flooding in the days of summer.
    • Depending in the program, a value of light to dark should be experience though out the spaces. Translating into a gradient of emotions, or information. Open-diffuse-shaft-opaque-close light filtration.
    • Right to left = land to water. Down to up = water to land to sky. That is the gesture metamorphosis of the amphibians construct.

    Capable of functioning on land or in water.
    Occurring on both land and water.

    2D Regulator: section & plans (I II III IV)


    .Wet Lab
    The extraction of local specimens from the multiple micro system of the everglades will be house at this facility. The range of specimens will provoke the studies of anatomy & botany.
    *Proper ventilation
    *Diffuse Light
    *Proximity to Eco System (docks)

    .Dry Lab
    The observation and record from found specimens will be categorize at a computational server, locate off ground.
    * Electronics
    * Energy dependent

    .Eco Swamp
    Control micro ecosystem for the display and experimentation of diverse specimens found in the surrounding areas.
    *Construction technology for proper construction

    Public space for observation of the vast horizon.
    *Capture 360 views.

    Space allocate for one permanent user and two temporary users. Three sleeping units, one food preparation & one lavatory.
    *High Point for inspirational views
    *Private zone

    Public Bathroom
    Outdoor space cover

    Scenographic [circulation itinerary]:
    Elevate of the ground tree ft thur a grant ramp. The office locate to the left for information, to the right 2 system of vertical circulation addressing ADA. Plus an outdoor cover space. If continuation of the main circulatory artery; frames of outdoor views will be experience. In addition to pockets of Eco Swamps [Land or Water?]. Second floor will allocate the 360 observatory deck and a visual encounter with the dry lab for Q&A.

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  • kmartinf

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