Yu-Te Chiang

Yu-Te Chiang

Philadelphia, PA, US



2016 PennDesign ARCH 502 studio

Delaware river center for the performing and visual arts | Philadelphia

The [rpject tries to focus on the contrast between carnival and daily-life, and the richness of this dialetic duality situation. One of the essential concepts of carnival lies in providing people with a leak to escape from normal, fixed daily-life. Bot on the other hand, daily-life also try to distinguish itself from a carnival, to amplify the contrast between “formal” and “informal”, “real” and “fantasy”. The other character of carnival is that people are considered equal within the carnival, the barrier of caste, property, race profession and age are dissolved during the carnival time, temporarily. There seems to have an invisible force driving them apart, strenthening their autonumy by isolating and polarizing their position.

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Status: School Project
Location: Philadelphia, PA, US