Andrew Heumann

Andrew Heumann

Seattle, WA, US


Tweet2Form: The Formalist Tweetbot

I just finished putting together a beta version of a little project. It’s a tweetbot powered by a grasshopper definition. The bot transforms a cube according to a series of operations you specify, and then tweets a picture of the resulting form. There are currently 11 formal operations that the bot understands:

The bot can sequence up to 7 of these operations based on your tweet. Here are some examples:

@tweet2form split bridge

@tweet2form bend shearD

@tweet2form shearD stretch stretch stretch

@tweet2form fold shearA stretch scale twist split bridge


The parameters of each operation are randomized based on each unique tweet ID, so even sending the same series of operations multiple times will result in different forms.
Right now I have the bot running on my personal laptop, so it may not always be “listening” for updates. It may take up to 30 seconds for the bot to respond to your tweet. I have no idea if I will find a permanent home for it but check it out in the meantime!

Send a tweet to @Tweet2Form and see what comes out!

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Status: Unbuilt
Additional Credits: I was informed after publishing this project that it has much in common with an earlier project which deserves recognition: James W. Ransom's "Tweet Form"