Rik van Ginkel

Rik van Ginkel

Sydney, AU

Exterior render
Exterior render
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2015 - Grid House

The ‘Grid House’ was part of the design studio ‘Art of the Plan’. This particular studio’s main focus was to design using the floor plan as the most important element of the design. The setting of the design is in the city center of Eindhoven, influenced by the adjacent modern architecture. Typical for a city, the building consists of a combination of public and private spaces. The Grid House, specifically, was designed to accommodate two separate families, each with its own composition. The two families are related to each other through an architecture firm, situated in the same building. Although these three functions are in theory separate buildings but together they form one unique building block within the urban context. 

One of the main design concepts is using a grid as a base for the floor plan. Not only the plot has been divided into nine identical blocks, there is a grid visible within these respective blocks. On the image below it has been made visible how these nine blocks have been divided. Although the architecture firm only consists of one vertically orientated structure, the two dwellings have been embroided around this structure, showing no clear division. 

Within the grid there is a set hierarchy: The left side is used for transportation such as staircases and routing through the building, whereas the right side is used to create a room with several sizes possible due to the division of the grid. 

Another design concept used is: ‘a city within a city’. The building functions as a miniature city within the urban context. Similar to a city, the ground floor is public and disconnected from the floors above. To empower this phenomenon, a clear distinction has been made between the ground and upper floors by designing a horizontal plateau. The same concept has been applied to the shape and materials of the design. The nine grid blocks all form their own unique tower within the aforementioned miniature city. There is a clear distinction between the grids due to the height differences but similarly because of the materials used in the design: Concrete, aluminium plating and weathered steel. 

The two concepts come together within the design of the facade: Each material and thus each tower has its own specific measurements. These measurements work together with the grid used to divide the interior spaces. 

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Status: School Project
Location: University of Technology Eindhoven, Master Project

Grid division
Grid division
Birdseye view
Birdseye view
North facade and East facade
North facade and East facade
Detailed section
Detailed section
Section aa and Section bb
Section aa and Section bb
Ground floor
Ground floor
Second floor
Second floor
Third floor and Fourth floor
Third floor and Fourth floor
Fifth floor and Sixth floor
Fifth floor and Sixth floor
Axonometric view
Axonometric view