Urban Architectural Initiatives, RA, PC

Urban Architectural Initiatives, RA, PC Diversity Badge

Black, Female, Asian/Pacific Islander owned

New York, NY


Dorothy McGowan Residence

Dorothy McGowan Residence is a 20,000 sf, five-story building with 36 efficiency units for youth aging out of foster care. The building is located in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan and is within easy walking distance to transportation and to public parks. The project was developed by Community League of the Heights with funding from HPD’s Supportive Housing Program and with tax credits syndicated by Enterprise Community Partners. Construction on this site required the demolition of a dilapidated two-story row house and extensive rock removal to ensure adequate cellar space. The structure is of concrete plank bearing on masonry walls. The detailing of the brick facade, cast stone base and cornice, and glass canopy create a more modern façade, while the materials themselves acknowledge the context of the neighborhood.  

A multipurpose room, laundry room, and counseling offices are provided at the cellar, which opens up to a sunken courtyard that brings in natural light and air. The rear yard is landscaped and has trellises and benches for passive recreation.

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Status: Built
Location: 518 West 159th Street, New York, NY
Firm Role: Architect for Residential, Supportive Housing project