Dillon Hoang

Dillon Hoang

Staten Island Junction, NJ, US


Sidewalk Vault

A building in midtown Manhattan, we were tasked with designing a new sidewalk vault as the condition of the existing one was rapidly deteriorating. At the site, I measured and photographed the existing conditions of the site. Once I had the information needed, I began creating CDs for the existing and proposed work. Due to the fact that the building was considered a landmark and the work being done was near a subway station, we had to send our work to the DOB, LPC and DOT. The DOT, since the sidewalk vault was at a crossroads and existed in two different streets, two different applications were to be submitted. Concurrently, we needed to submit to LPC to show that only the sidewalk vault was to be altered and none of the work to the building itself. Once we got both DOT and LPC approval, with coordination with the structural engineer, we submitted for DOB approval for GC and ST drawings. From the first measurement to signing off on the application took about two years to complete. 

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Status: Built
Location: New York, NY, US
My Role: Project Manager