Zenah Fadhil

Zenah Fadhil

Dubai, AE



The intent behind this ‘Collection.’ is to give a glimpse and an impression of the array of work and interests I have accumulated over the years as An Architecture student and an Architecture Graduate briefly after. I was inspired to create this format during 2020, in which human communication has been reduced to digital formats mostly, and it occurred to me that I would want to give a virtual summary of who I am as an aspiring Architect equivalent to perhaps to the effect of a short conversation around my Portfolio. Selected are highlighted works categorized according to self-prescribed sets of words that I have used to explain my work throughout the years. This format functions as a roadmap to my ideas and skillsets that will keep on changing as I achieve specialization and a deeper interest in my multi-disciplinary scope of work. ‘ Collection.’ will perform as a temporary and ever-changing format that I would like to implement in an interactive online format in the near future.

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Status: Under Construction