Zara Moreno

Zara Moreno

Bogotá, CO


Holistic center is mental health for depression and anxiety

In recent years, particularly as a result of the pandemic, we have witnessed a concerning increase in cases of depression and anxiety. This situation not only impacts the interpersonal and intrapersonal lives of those suffering from these disorders but also affects their participation in the workplace. Although there are various treatments available, with medication being the most common, these can have serious side effects and even lead to dependence. In response to this reality, a new trend has emerged toward alternative treatments such as yoga, aromatherapy, and mindfulness.

The growing demand for these alternative approaches has led to the creation of improvised spaces for self-reflection and emotional management. As architects, it is our responsibility to address this need by designing spaces that cater to these new forms of treatment.

This project, located in the "Manzana del Cuidado" (Care Block) in Teusaquillo, Bogotá, aims to create a holistic center that promotes emotional self-management, self-reflection, and connection with nature, offering a valuable resource for those seeking alternatives to conventional treatments for depression and anxiety.

The center will feature a program that includes spaces for physical, mental, and social activities and will propose an urban scheme that transforms the block into an accessible space, fostering mental health and the overall well-being of its visitors.

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Status: School Project
Location: Bogotá
My Role: Architectural design, concept development , Revit modeling , renders and graphic design