The Expanded Studio

The Expanded Studio

Houston, TX


Small Lots

High-quality, climate prepared, modular housing.

The intention of the design strategy presented within the following document is to provide New York City residents with a quality living enclosure that not only suits the unique spatial requirements of the given sites but is affordable, highly replicable, engineered for climate readiness and quickly deployable.

Our proposal is based on leveraging the benefits of achieving multiple design scenarios with a small family of factory produced modular units. This modular approach will suit the variety of sites and locations within New York City while exploiting the costs benefits for mass produced units, and speed to occupancy afforded by the modular construction industry. The system presented here is organized around 4 unique modules that can be combined in a variety of ways to produce functional and purposeful solutions at each deployment.

Additionally we have provided consideration within our submission for multiple strategies of investment and development. Our modular system could accommodate a stand-alone townhouse typology, rental apartments or condominium uses.

Designed in collaboration with Christoph Ibele.

Entry for NYC Small Lots competition, March 2019

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Status: Competition Entry
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Christoph Ibele