mold design studio

mold design studio

New Delhi, IN


The Hill Haven

Sited on top of a Hill, The Hill Haven is a weekend cottage retreat for an urban Indian multi-generation family. The Built form is designed to optimize the views of the valley and to provide a variety of open spaces. The house is planned as an open-plan format with ground floor designed for common activities and first floor for private spaces.

The design helps in filtering abundant natural light and cross-ventilation throughout the house. The locally available stone used in the façade, renders the home with an earthly quality and aids in the merging of the built form with the landscape. Solar water heating is provided to maximize the direct sunlight. Onsite vegetation has also been maintained and preserved.

The landscaping is simple to keep the emphasis on the natural surroundings. Simplistic in Design and materiality, the house is designed around the needs of the family, whilst respecting its context.

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Status: Built
Location: Uttaranchal Sattal,Uttarakhand, India
Firm Role: Architect

Night View
Night View
Side View
Side View