At the start of the 20th century, Berlin was a city unparalleled in Europe for its size and rate of development. It's relentless energy and dizzying growth stirred the imagination of philosophers (Simmel, Kracauer, Benjamin) and artists (Kirchner, Moholy-Negy, Hoch) architects (van Doesburg, Gropius, Behrens, Taut) and writers (Doblin, Heine, Fontane). A global center of industry, it thrived on the exchange and production of goods. It was, as Friedrich Engels noted, “a modern metropolis that presupposes a capitalist production."
Status: School Project
Location: Neukölln, DE
My Role: Tour Guide, Grosse Gebäude
Additional Credits: Jade Ragoschke, Rebekah Lee, Dan Hoernes, John Fanizza, Daniel Farrell, Peter Rickert, Matthias Altwicker