

New York, NY, US



Today, industrial history in Red Hook, Brooklyn is being erased. Despite protectors, politicians and locals, many signicant historical industrial buildings are demolished, and new warehouses are constructed on sites.

In the past, production, inventory, transportation and sales were combined. At this time, brand image equal to community image, or exists as a local landmark, attractive from an advertising standpoint. The factory uses local materials and workers from the warehouse were also an important part of the community. In spatial, dierent doors allowing people or carriages to pass, and dierent windows in shapes and sizes considering ventilation, natural lighting, and access for workers. Operable iron doors and shutters provide the security and re suppression system, while providing openings and forming various spatial qualications.

Presently, most of the current business models are online. Production, inventory and sales are all separated. The business owners only consider the beauty of the store, the website and advertisement, while ignoring the appearance of the warehouse. The architecture for manufacture is carelessly about the building’s effect on the local community. At this time, brand image is not equal to community image. What the owners request for the warehouse is - saving money, eciency, volume.

The porosity space through th porosity and revitalize as the main design concept. Through openings of different sizes and arrangements of different densities, they extend to the inside or outside to break the boundary of the wall itself. The openings are re-considered for sunlight, ventilation, and the possibility of activities of dierent sizes, allowing the inner and outer spaces to penetrate each other. And reuse traditional industrial building elements, make a translation, and activate the community again.

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Status: School Project
Location: Brooklyn, NY, US