Luke Weber

Luke Weber

Gainesville, TX, US

Looking at examples from the past, I saw repetitive solutions for the problem at Diversity Plaza. Every answer looked like an “X” from plan view. I had to do something different.
Looking at examples from the past, I saw repetitive solutions for the problem at Diversity Plaza. Every answer looked like an “X” from plan view. I had to do something different.

Diversity Plaza

A proposed renovation for Diversity Plaza includes a large, iconic, raised, sloping lawn in the center of the space.  Figuratively, this space is the heart of Texas A&M University’s campus.  Conceptually, the design of this plaza is based on the anatomy of the human heart.  Paved walkways support the heavy daily traffic and symbolize the heart’s vessels.  As the cardiovascular system is vital, this space gives life to the campus.

The large plaza is more than shaded by the massive structure at its center.  It is naturally cooled by the lawn through evaporation.  It is illuminated by crystalline spheres that reflect sunlight.  It is socially connected by bulletin walls and two large screens that display local information.  Additionally, it provides a new, interesting dimension inviting users to study, dine, interconnect and inspire.

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Status: School Project
Location: College Station, TX, US