Vibok Works

Vibok Works

Sevilla, ES



Vibok Works is a studio dedicated to thinking and critical action on living spaces. Our projects are creative experiments constantly evolving that fuse publishing, art, architecture, design and research. We develope spatial concepts and protocolos for books, exhibitions, actions and other cultural products. Our works are art projects which aim to curate transdisciplinar knowledge on environment, beyond the effect of printed matter. We explore and experiment with processes as well as products, something that brought us to address issues such as evolving books, mushup books, micro-edition or crossed-edition. Our main drive is to explore the spatial, social, economic, aesthetic and political consequences of editing and publishing within the context of the new media boom and the obscuring of the roles of readers, users, publishers, authors and producers. Furthermore, we are interested in promoting collaborative infrastructures shared by editors as well as undercovering the work behind the books, sometimes enormously opaque.



Paula Álvarez, Sevilla, ES, Header

Jan 2009 - current

Areas of Specialization