Before arriving at Ud’A, I’ve studied in a technical institute. I arrived in Pescara after few years working as waitress, and I fallen in this formal world without rules, of showed images and drew thoughts. It was not easy, I severily fought, but at the end the detachment happened. I worked out to leave again, I started to go beyond, to diverge my ideas, to show them. The architecture, the new knowledge that I was nurturing, I liked more and more.
Thus begins my journey.
I harshly worked day by day. It was a continous evolution of my abilities, I learned the perseverance and dedication. Is born the passion always more overwhelming for this incredible art.
The desire of learning take me to partecipate at International seminar Villard14. The contact with phisycal and cultural different places, the experiences with teachers and students coming from other locations changed my point of view.
The opportunities of choosing are unlimited and this time I choose to change.
I’ve decided that I’d have been hanging out at Ljubljana my fourth year. This was my first contact with Slovenia, where part of my way of thinking was faced with a Slovenian systematic approach, more then artistic and architectural abilities. Learning language I have been able to integrate, it was nice knew the new, alone but with the world.
From here starts an unstoppable process, egg on by desire of knowledge, by adventure’s spirit, I decided to leave again.
This time I chose to an engineering school, Valencia’s one. The project approach it was more pragmatic. The spanish university practicality gave me the possibility to thinking with my hands. I managed to understand that sometimes is necessary thinking outside the box, go beyond.
Then my third and last erasmus, at Kalserslauern. Right from the start part of my thinking was in conflict with the German teachers reality. The scenario changes again, the integration from different cultures is perceived.
After three erasmus, another experience, the traineeship at Luxemburg. Working in an International office where in the same time four languages are spoken, like to be a part of a team, can work on a project, all of this instill to me a deep sense of responsability towards architecture and who lives it.
At the end of the course of my studies I decided to find out new developments. A lot of passion, courage, autonomy and shrewdness bring me to Bogotà, in the Ciudad Bolivar streets, a working-class area, from social alienation and social exclusion conditions that are almost always the judgments of many parts of Latin America informal cities, and of the Third World to which they belong. It is right here that I learned the small things beauty and how they can radically shake up.
The experience started and ended with the same exam. The student that leaves is not the same who arrives.
Francescogiuseppe de gregorio architetto, Pescara, IT, Collaborator
Key_en_enzocalabresedesignstudioSRL, Pescara, IT, Collaborator
MetropolitanArchitectureResearchStudio, Esch-sur-Alzette, LU, Internship Architecture
Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio", Pescara, IT, MArch, architecture
Master in Architecture (LM4) 12.04.2017 ‘’Università degli Studi ‘’G.D’Annunzio’’ Pescara | School of Architecture I Italy
Experimental Thesis on Urban and Architectural project: ‘’ The informal city in Bogotá. Educational Park in the town of Ciudad Bolívar‘’. Supervisor: E.Calabrese; Assistants supervisor: P.Rovigatti, L.Sanabria, R.Peña Carvajal;
Grade: 110/110 with honors.
Universidad de La Salle | Bogotà
Study Research 3 months
Hocshule Kaiserslautern | Germany
Erasmus Exchange Program scholarship
6 months
Universidad Politecniica Valencia | Spain
Erasmus Exchange Program scholarship
12 months
Univerza Ljubljana | Slovenia
Erasmus Exchange Program scholarship
12 months
Young Talent Architecture Award 2018, Nomination
My Graduation Project have been selected to represent my school at YTAA 2018, (Young Talent Architecture Award 2018), organised by the Fundaciò Mies Van der Rohe with the support of Creative Europe as an extension of the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture.