Upscale Studio

Upscale Studio

Bonita Springs, FL

Street View Rendering
Street View Rendering
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Strati on McGregor

The modern design world welcomes UPSCALE studio making their first appearance on the list because this business is constantly evolving and good luxury design has no limits.

The twelve story structure is a self-sustaining mixed use project that aims to reinforce a sense of community in Downtown Fort Myers and resolve imminent environmental concerns while it regenerates Life through a vertical topology and diverts from the conventional high-rise layout. The project includes structured parking, boutique retail, restaurant, living units and roof top infinity edge pool.

UPSCALE studio feels it is time for Architecture to do things again, not just represent things. We believe that the struggle between form and function is superficial and unproductive. By emphasizing performance instead- a hybrid of form and function calibrated to each client's aspirations and each project's constraints - we free architecture from the tired debate over whether it is an art or a tool. Art performs; tools perform.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Fort Myers, FL, US
Firm Role: Practice Leader/ Design Principal

Bird's eye view rendering
Bird's eye view rendering
Project Orientation
Project Orientation