Anchor 3

Gregory Walker ~ Interior library renovation for the University of West Georgia  ››  posted: Apr 12 '11  |  see all Interior library renovation for the University of West Georgia

Gregory Walker
Anchor 3

Steven Ward ~ will probably spend all day trying to get 2 building permits...and may not get them still.  ››  posted: Apr 12 '11  |  see all

Steven Ward
Anchor 3

Emily Kemper ~ Just discovered that the pictures rearrange themselves on the front page according to browser width. Rad.  ››  posted: Apr 12 '11  |  see all

Emily Kemper
Anchor 3

Nam Henderson ~ ..digging the map feature on the 3.0 profile page and wondering if it is based off of IP address?  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all

Nam Henderson
Anchor 3

Paul Petrunia ~ Great colors on Raidy Luna's profile page  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all

Paul Petrunia
Anchor 3

Katie Gonzalez ~ Today was a good day at Archinect.  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all

Katie Gonzalez
Anchor 3

Adrielle Slaugh ~ Architecture for Humanity - Fundraising Event 4/21 & 4/28  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all

Adrielle Slaugh
Anchor 3

Gregory Dowell ~ The tidal wave of work has rolled in. Swamped, but I prefer it that way.  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all

Gregory Dowell
Anchor 3

Steven Ward ~ couldn't get a text box on TC earlier today. ???  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all

Steven Ward
Anchor 3

Raidy Luna ~ Gerardy Jimenez Residential, Dominican Republic  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all Gerardy Jimenez Residential, Dominican Republic

Raidy Luna
Anchor 3

Olya V. Diamond, Associate AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, GPP ~ Mondrian Residence_Steak House Restaurant  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all Mondrian Residence_Steak House Restaurant

Olya V. Diamond, Associate AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, GPP
Anchor 3

Olya V. Diamond, Associate AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, GPP ~ Mondrian Residence_Steak House Restaurant  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all Mondrian Residence_Steak House Restaurant

Olya V. Diamond, Associate AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, GPP
Anchor 3

Olya V. Diamond, Associate AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, GPP ~ Smith Residence Library  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all Smith Residence Library

Olya V. Diamond, Associate AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, GPP
Anchor 3

Olya V. Diamond, Associate AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, GPP ~ Smith Residence Studing Room  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all Smith Residence Studing Room

Olya V. Diamond, Associate AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, GPP
Anchor 3

Olya V. Diamond, Associate AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, GPP ~ Smith Residence Living Room  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all Smith Residence Living Room

Olya V. Diamond, Associate AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, GPP
Anchor 3

Olya V. Diamond, Associate AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, GPP ~ Smith Residence  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all Smith Residence

Olya V. Diamond, Associate AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, GPP
Anchor 3

Paul Petrunia ~ The feedback on v3.0 has been phenomenal so far. Thanks to everyone!  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all

Paul Petrunia
Anchor 3

Gregory Walker ~ I'm liking the personalized profiles - having to put a real name / identity out there. Hope it encourages more transparency all the way around...  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all

Gregory Walker
Anchor 3

Raidy Luna ~ WOW!.. Archinect 3.0 is going to be SUPER FUN  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all

Raidy Luna
Anchor 3

Alex Rosique ~ testing new features in Archinect 3.0!!  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all

Alex Rosique
Anchor 3

Gregory Walker ~ Trying to keep the customers happy....  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all

Gregory Walker
Anchor 3

Havard Cooper, RA ~ DawnTown  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all

Havard Cooper, RA
Anchor 3

Alexander Walter ~ Archinect v3.0 is up!!!  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all

Alexander Walter
Anchor 3

Paul Petrunia ~ Welcome to Archinect v.30!  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all

Paul Petrunia
Anchor 3

Gregory Dowell ~ Lacking the motivation this morning. But there's lots to do.  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all

Gregory Dowell
Anchor 3

Daiman Otto ~ I think version 2.0 is now dust - welcome to 3.0!  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all

Daiman Otto
Anchor 3

Daiman Otto ~ Off into the Auckland Autumn traffic...  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all Off into the Auckland Autumn traffic...

Daiman Otto
Anchor 3

Emily Kemper ~ I'm so looking forward to wasting some time in NEW Archinect!  ››  posted: Apr 11 '11  |  see all

Emily Kemper
Anchor 3

Katie Gonzalez ~ Looking forward to the site launching! It looks so good!  ››  posted: Apr 10 '11  |  see all

Katie Gonzalez
Anchor 3

Gregory Dowell ~ Very pleased with my photos of Old Town (Chicago) from this morning. Crazy awesome flower bokeh.  ››  posted: Apr 10 '11  |  see all Very pleased with my photos of Old Town (Chicago) from this morning. Crazy awesome flower bokeh.

Gregory Dowell