United Design Practice

United Design Practice

Beijing, CN


En Vain- Baijiu Bar Design

Our job is to design a Chinese Baijiu Bar for the hip, young and fashionable.

Chinese baijiu (白酒), a strong distilled spirit, is perceived to be for an older demographic, dated, boring and old fashioned. This is an exciting opportunity to reinvent the category, in terms of how chinese cultural elements can be interpreted in a fresh manner, yet respectful of its historical context.


The name En Vain, French for ‘in vain’, is a direct reference to this playful attitude of how to interpret culture, from food and drinks, all the way through to design.



中国白酒,一种通过蒸馏而萃取出的酒,千百年后在人们的刻板认知下,它面向的群体也是充满局限性的。 很多时候白酒被当成了老旧,无聊,及过时的象征,而重新设计中国白酒吧这个项目给了我们很好的机会对中国传统文化作出新的探究,让传统文化元素在保留历史精髓的前提下被重新诠释。

En Vain, 这个法语单词,酒吧名字, 在英文语境里被翻译为‘in vain'。这充满玩乐态度的词,带我们从文化走向饮食,延伸到设计。


In vain, for pairing baijiu with foods, Chinese with western influences.


In vain, for we are merely having fun excavating and reinventing Chinese wine culture.


In vain, for we are but a part of this process, one of many, not first nor last.


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Status: Built
Location: Beijing, CN
Additional Credits: Photographed by Shawn Koh (Feng Studios).