Matteo Cominetti

Matteo Cominetti

Bologna, IT



I am a graduate in Building Engineering and Architecture from Bologna, Italy.

During my years of study, a part from architectural design, I have developed a passion for Building Information Modeling. Since the second year me and a close group a friends were the first in the faculty adopting Revit for our projects but it has been only recently that I have been understanding the full potential of BIM. As a fact my thesis is on Project Validation using BIM (code compliance and interoperability).

I am also the developer of BCF Plugin for Revit, it creates support for BCF files in Revit, so that exchange with Solibri and Tekla is possible; and I am taking care of a blog about BIM news, to keep myself updated and share some knowledge.
Another subject I'm really into is Generative and Parametric Design, as an example the latest projects in my Portfolio.A part from my exams I have always been into technology and especially coding and scripting, I'm practical with most web based and software languages.

I went through many extra-curricular activities that involve team work, leadership, problem solving, sharing knowledge, determination, project making and so on as being a boy scout leader for several years, being a swimming teacher, organizing events, volunteering journeys, sports... It is also remarkable the group Five Core founded with some close friends from my course to help each other and do projects together. It turned out soon that we were the most "computer advanced" group in my course and many people came to us to get advice and help about the softwares used and design problems. We together got some commissions also from our professors and privates, and we have attended different competitions.

I have had two abroad experiences, one in Denmark for 6 months at the University of Aalborg and one in the Netherlands for 8 months doing an internship at an Architectural practice in Utrecht.



FBW Group, Utrecht, NL, Intern

Have been involved on on a great variety of projects the ongoing projects in the Netherlands and Tanzania: amongst which the restoration and development of the Jongerius complex in Utrecht
and the Mbweni Ruins hotel in Zanzibar. From masterplan to architectural detail; from restoration to new structures.

Apr 2012 - Dec 2012


University of Bologna, School of Engineering and Architecture, Bologna, IT, Masters, Building Engieering and Architecture

Five years study, Bachelor and Master.
Leaving qualification graded 104/110.

Full course desctiption:

Sep 2006 - Mar 2013


Outside the Box_Low and High Technologies for the Emergencies, Nomination

Between the 10 finalists.
The competition “Outside the Box_Low and High Technologies for the Emergencies” is focused on identifying design ideas for resolving various problems in emergency situations.
At this point in time the emergency has become the norm. During recent years numerous natural phenomena have upset the lives of many communities scattered across the globe. Examples include Fukushima in Japan, Haiti, L'Aquila in Italy and New Orleans in the United States.
The Box is a small temporary structure capable of offering various services: a small space for work, a centre of organisation and meetings for governments or other bodies dealing with and managing an emergency.
A space that is simultaneously a workstation and information centre open to public, with free wifi and internet access to allow to people remain in touch with the rest of the world.
A fundamental role in the elaboration of the design proposal must be entrusted to technology, whether low- or high-tech.
The challenge launched by the Competition is also that of uniting two unavoidable aspects of contemporary design: sustainability and parametric design (the use of parametric modelling software to develop three-dimensional models).


Areas of Specialization 
