jiajun tan

jiajun tan

Los Angeles, CA, US



  It is a subconscious activity that people like to read faces. We find faces in satellite photos of Mars mountain. The dark spots on butterfly wings can sometimes recognized as eyes of larger sized animals. Even the electric socket can be read as a face. As for architecture, especially classical architecture, faces are more often found on their facades which are made symmetrical. Facade as an architecture term is a foreign loan word from French façade which means face. A facade of an architecture functions the same as a face of a human. This thesis focus on the question that if we can use this phenomenon as a design tool.
  A good possible answer is Claude Ledoux’s mason de campaign which is a series of country houses in France. On facades of these houses, we may recognize one face or several faces simultaneously. The resemblance of faces is like personification in literature, by which a sentence is made vivid. We can see how the resemblance of faces contribute to the facades.
  However, most facades in this issue are symmetrical and unified. What I am trying to do is to make an unsymmetrical and seperate order. At first, I took the figures from Ledoux’s facades and made them repetitive patterns. Each figure is potentially multiple readable as faces. Then, by varying the performance of the figures and the background which were also flatten from mason de campaign, I could makemore facial expressions at the same time.

 Compared to classical buildings which could be regarded as a main characteristic face, this order creates a field of faces. You may find no face at all, or you can find 30 faces at the same moment. It is like literature versus twitter, twitter as a field of communication, even though full of nonsense, is more influential than any single great literature.

  The project is the contemporary art wing of Lima art museum, 6000 square meters, including a gallery, a library and a shop and a few classrooms.
  The mass of the building comes from the combinition of a series of proportion analysis of faces and the silhouette of mason de campaign. The geometry of the analytical lines become the interior space. The exterior patterns were applied to reach the balance of the diagrams. The interior patterns were the projection of the exterior patterns, which generate a new field because of the distortion of the projection process and the different canvas.

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Status: School Project
Location: Lima, PE
My Role: solo work
Additional Credits: Instructor: Andrew Zago
Fall 2016, SCI-ARC