S U N B U N K E R is a progressive, research driven architecture and design studio offering a broad spectrum of capabilities, utilizing innovative techniques to cultivate client strategies that are tactile, visceral, pragmatic and engaging. The name sunbunker is a composite of words evoking negotiations between states such as our environment and our co-habitation within it.
Strategy: We believe in the physical expression of strategies that formally and conceptually unify space and materiality. Physical strategies frame layers to which human activities can flow, with an emphasis on creativity we aspire to inspire.
Vision: Is to create, produce and deliver spatial solutions that transcend prevailing fads. Designs that are both economically rational in application and environmentally sustainable in implementation. We endeavor to approach materiality conscientiously, to sustain resources, to promote natural and social capital.
Fabrication: We maintain a fabrication workshop facility for design and prototyping of custom elements. We also maintain close relations with a number of specialty fabrication groups and skilled creators providing the finest products featuring innovative processes and techniques.
292 powers street #4B
United States
Brooklyn, NY, US , 11211
917 544 9895