Studio 360

Studio 360

Mérida, MX



The project emerges from the need of a space to suit the especific requirements of the following majors: civil engineering, mechatronics, design, architecture, and industrial design; aiming to develop an efficient building with a modern design which reflects the innovative spirit of the Anahuac Mayab University.

The building is conceived from a modular structure which allows for fast construction and easy development while the program is organized withiin closed spaces for classrooms and laboratories; and in open spaces for hands-on training.  The classrooms are distributed along two stories of the northern fachade forming a mezzanine towards the open spaces whose cover moves in order to capture solar energy through the solar screens and natural lightning with a solar-tube system.

The building is split into two blocks that stablish the access that connects with the rest of the campus and in which a space is created with slabs at different highs, staircases and a bridge that inteconects both blocks

The construction system uses methalic panels and structures combined with walls plastered with chukum


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Status: Built
Location: Mérida, MX
Firm Role: Creative Director