Shanita Rutland

Shanita Rutland

Dearborn, MI, US

Proposal Cover
Proposal Cover
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Mexican Town Master Plan

Developing a Visionary Master Plan (Schematic Design and Site Programming) for the Mexican Town community organization. Assist in the facilitation and preparation of the Design Center Workshop Program, Graphic Design presentation boards and booklet design. Mexicantown: Vernor Bagley Vista is an urban design community based project that focuses on a 20-block area surrounding the1-75 and Vernor intersection in Southwest Detroit.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: MexicanTown Detrot, MI
My Role: Designer

Proposal Floor Plans 001
Proposal Floor Plans 001
Proposal Floor Plans 002
Proposal Floor Plans 002
Proposal Elevations
Proposal Elevations
Proposal Elevations
Proposal Elevations