I am a Masters student at Harrington College of Design and would be graduating in the summer
semester of 2013. I have an outstanding academic experience at Harrington and I am looking forward to utilizing my skills in the interior design field. At this point my passion for interior design has led me to a career change and subsequently the pursuing of an education at Harrington. I have a strong passion for hospitality, residential, and sustainable design projects that I have focused my thesis research project on understanding the process of designing an eco-resort. The project focuses on using the principles of eco-tourism; that the location, culture and practices of the environment in which the resort is placed are heavily influencing the design. My artistic creativity and my disciplined traits as a student have enabled me to be very successful at school so far and I feel prepared to enter the working world of interior design.
Jorje, Chicago, IL, US, Intern
•Manage the resource library
•Put together client presentations and attend client meetings.
•Shop for materials and furniture.
•Work on installation of final projects and homes.
•Involved in Day to day operations at the design office.
general hospital Lagos, Lagos, NG, Biochemist
•Performed routine tests on blood samples for patients at the hospital.
•Organized the Global HIV/Aids initiative program; testing samples and educating victims with HIV/AIDS.
•Responsible for Lab management and quality control of samples used for routine tests.
Clas de Santa Elena, Ayacucho, PE, Intern
•Assisted medical personnel with triage, delivery and c- sections.
•Facilitated and assisted in the tuberculosis program; educating prisoners
on safe health practices.
•Organized educational meetings focusing on nutrition for mothers with children under the age of 5.