

Brooklyn, NY


Sky Gazing Tower

“Sky Gazing Tower” is an installation that aims to provide personal space to people who live in crowded urban environments and face every day challenges such as social anxiety, stress, and agoraphobia.

The “Sky Gazing Tower” gives space and time to each individual to stare at the sky alone, while being surrounded by a hanging translucent orange membrane that diffuses the light and creates a soothing environment. The installation is a low-cost lightweight structure that can be easily assembled and transported. It consists of a white steel frame and vinyl orange membrane stripes that hang loosely from the top ring. The membrane stripes cover the upper part of the visitor’s body, leaving the lower part visible to the public, making clear that the tower is occupied. The translucency of the membrane allows a subtle connection with the external environment while at the same time provides a place of retreat.

A VR environment was exhibited together with the physical installation, giving the visitors of the festival the opportunity to virtually modify the structure and define their own personal space according to their needs and preferences. Visitors can experience the installation in a simulated crowded urban environment and they can redesign the tower until they feel comfortable in it. Each visitor can change the size, color and materiality of the tower using the User Interface in the VR. This digital tool embraces the diversity of the citizens of big cities by allowing them to explore their personal space and redefine its boundaries and aesthetics.

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Status: Built
Location: Los Angeles
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Fabricator: Fathom&Form
VR Developer: Christopher Morse
Photographer: Paul Vu