sofia tolo max neumeister

sofia tolo max neumeister

Aarhus, DK


Fishmarket in aarhus

This project intended to investigate the possibility of creating a fish market in Aarhus based on the Danes and their fish habits. We wanted to look at a solution that concerned itself with environmental friendly aquaculture, as well as responsible fish practices in general. Coming to Aarhus as new students, it appeared to us that the town was missing a good place to buy fresh fish. After having a look around town, we found that there are a couple of fish mongers in town, but the availability is poor, and so are the locations. Particularly at the harbour, where the only two fish mongers are hidden away behind the boat marina.  Also relevant is how out of more than 200 restaurants in town, there are only 3 real fish restaurants, and actually going fishing would involve moving across large industrial areas. Denmark is surrounded by water but despite miles of coastline and a strong fishing  industry, Danes are just not that mad about fish. We wanted to investigate why this is, and what could be done to alter the Danes perception of fish.

Eating fish is good for many reasons. Fish twice a week prolongs life, and most Danes would find great health benefits in increasing their consumption of fish.  Fish is especially good for cholesterol levels. It contains all the vitamins except vitamin C, and important minerals such as selenium and iodine. By eating more fish, you reduce your risk of dying from a heart attack. Studies show that someone who eat two fish meals or more a week is 29 percent less likely to die of a heart attacks than someone who does not eat fish. Some of the positive effects of Omega-3 fat acids have on our mind’s is that they  providemore elastic arteries, and prevent blood clot formation. They also reduce blood pressure, stabilize heart rhythm and therefore decreases the risk of heart disease. Also, Omega-3 fat acids reduce the risk of several types of cancer.

Meat is food, and fish is fish. The Danes eat 6 times as much meat as fish. A larger fish consumption would be both  logical and rational, as it could serve the Danish people in dealing with future issues  concerning good health and prosperity.

Promote responsible fishing practises! Today, Aquaculture, or fish farming, plays an important role in sustainable seafood. Fish farming is an ancient industry that has become increasingly sophisticated in recent years. A huge global demand for seafood has made fish farming the world’s fastest-growing food industry. Nearly half of all seafood is farmed, and the number is rising every year. Countries like Norway, Canada and China are amongst the world’s top 10 fish farming countries. Engaged in sustainable aquaculture, these countries use a portion of their  export revenue for research in areas such as fish health, fish food, and sustainability.   Innovation in the aquaculture industry is important to ensure the quality of the product and to develop an industry that is sustainable economically, socially and environmentally. In about 40 years the world population will need twice as much food as what we produce today. Aquaculture is one of the main answers to this challenge. In 2050, world population will probably pass nine billion people, one third more than the millennium. Already, more than one billion people are undernourished. To meet the needs of the world we must produce twice as much food in 2050 as today. In order to do this, we need to exploit the potential in the water. About 70 percent of the planet is covered by water, but less than five percent of the world’s food production  happens in the ocean. 

By introducing new methods and technology together with old fishing and farming  traditions we can create a new self-applied eco system at basin 7. The need for truly sustainable aquaculture has led to some interesting technological  developments in recent years. By combining fish farming with seaweed farms, mussel lines, crab and lobster hotels as well as artificial stone reefs, we can create a new  self-applied eco system where they are cultured to recycle the waste by-products of each segment. Waste from salmon farming (toxins and faeces) can cause environmental changes in the vicinity of salmon cages. Cultivating a seaweed farm nearby can prevent this. The seaweed absorbs the waste from the fish farming, while the particulate waste serves as food for the mussels, crabs and lobsters. This system can not only help limit the impacts of nutrient loading on a farm’s surrounding ecosystem, but also offer a supplemental  income from the sale of multiple products raised on the farm. 

Sea lettuce and sugar wrack (laminaria Saccharina) is typically grown at sea. Laminaria saccharina is brown seaweed that has its natural existence in Aarhus harbour. It may be cultivated in open water as a natural part of the ecosystem as well as clean the water from nutrients derived from wastewater, agriculture and heavy metals from the harbour. Laminaria also provides perfect breeding grounds for fish. The plant absorbs the pollutants in the water and utilizes the nutrients from fish faeces. Seaweed provides shelter for small fish that thrive in such environments. Seaweed may also be reused as fish food, ethanol, fertilizer, heating and energy, offering environmental friendly energy solutions to and through the fish market. Mussels can be cultivated in a number of ways. One method includes attaching the mussels to hanging ropes and allowing them to grow large enough to harvest. Thanks to the mussel’s water filtration and low energy needs, this is one of the most sustainable types of aquaculture. Mussel lines also attract other types of fish and species to the area. Crab and lobster hotels can be placed throughout the basin, and works especially well together with artificial stone reefs. Aarhus municipality has in fact already led approx. 1,100 tons of rocks from the former reefs back to the sea at Aarhus harbour with great success. Restoring reefs can help to improve the marine environment, and restore some of the lost biodiversity. Artificial reefs is in fact a part of the larger marine recovery plan when Denmark by 2020 must comply with the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and the EU Marine Strategy, which commits Denmark to restore the good ecological status of the sea by 2020.6 The stone reefs contribute to water purification and diversity among fish, sea creatures and organism species that could thrive in the area. Studies have shown that there are up to ten times more fish on reefs than in other parts of the ocean and reefs visited by twice as many guinea pigs.  Even the endangered cod, is one of the new residents who have found their way to the new stone reefs.

By establishing a sustainable fish market in Aarhus, we can draw more attention to the topic and make conscious choices. We can educate people about fish, and contribute to the fishing industry whilst keeping local and exploit the sea’s valuable resources and look to the future. Locally caught fish and seafood favours small-scale coastal fishing and the environment, and the fish are fresher. The fish market in Aarhus, could work as an investigation of how to implement   aquaculture in a specific local context. Disguised in the traditional Danish village of small fisherman huts, while preserving the good qualities of the area along with the fine  traditions of the fishing industry. Besides producing fish and seafood for the whole of  Aarhus, it will be a recreational public pathway and experience, where the fish is  exhibited together with the production methods around aquaculture, attracting people to learn more about fish. 

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Status: School Project
Location: Aarhus, DK
My Role: Max Neumeister (3d Modeling, Rendering, Photoshop, Diagrams, Plans, Design) and Sofia Tolo (Analysis, Concept, Diagrams, Research, Text, Development, Plans, Sections, Detailing, Design)