Simone Micheli

Simone Micheli

Florence, IT



Boscolo Hotel B4, Milan
Planning: 2009
Achievement: 2010-2012
Place: Via Stephenson 55 – 20157 Milano - Italy
Category: four-stars
Area: 15.000 sqm
Ownership of the property: Alinvest
Client and Manager: Boscolo Hotels
Architectural project: Arch. Giancarlo Marzorati
Interior design and lighting project: Arch. Simone Micheli
Project general coordination, executive design development and executive management: EGM Global Services &
Mechanical, electrical and special systems project: Tekser
Photos: M. Marcato - J. Eheim
15.000 sqm global area
93.38 mt building heigh ( B4H neon sign included)
21 overground floors
first 3 floors: hall/ meeting/ wellness/ piloty floor - overground squame
16 floors for rooms
1 roof garden
3 underground floors 19.500 sqm | parking spaces 13.000 sqm | technical and service areas 6.500 sqm
280 rooms
24 suite apartments
32 deluxe
210 superior
14 standard rooms for disabled
6 convention halls
First Floor
space 4: 59 sqm, 60 seats | space 5: 63 sqm, 70 seats | space 6: 49 sqm, 40 seats
Second Floor
space 1-2-3: large and modular 425 sqm congress halls with spacious external foyer. Multifunctional to suit every requirements: seating from 125 to 200 up to 450 people.
2 restaurants and 1 plein-air bar

Boscolo Group's B4 Hotel is located in Milan, close to the future site of Expo 2015. The new hotel was created to re-examine, unhinge and completely renew the criteria of the whole class and its promotion and communications strategies. Forget all antiqued, obsolete, old-fashioned definitions of business hotels, and erase any preconceived morphological definitions and stereotyped typological conception. Hybrid, transversal, full of multiform and synesthetic contaminations, a place of wonder, culture, nature and metropolitanity, the B4 Milan stands as rewrite canon for hotels to come.

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Status: Built
Location: Milan, IT
My Role: Interior Design and lighting project
Additional Credits: Arch. Francesco Scullica
Agostino Liuni - CEO, Alinvest spa - Gruppo Liuni
Angelo Boscolo - Presidente Boscolo Hotels
Arch. Giancarlo Marzorati.
Arch. Simone Micheli.
Lorenzo Bendoni - EGM srl
Ing. Guido Davoglio - Tekser srl