Siddha Architects

Siddha Architects

Bangalore City, IN

Commercial and residential
Commercial and residential

Commercial and Residential building at Anandnagar

Frontier commercial and residential building is a reaction to the slogan of modern architecture . Given the commercial and residential performance (single unit) as well as the scale and proportions of the project, the most important project challenge was the coordination of these two functions in terms of building volume and the question of whether the form really follows the design was challenged.
Frontier Commercial and Residential Building is located in Anandnagar  in North Bengaluru. The building has a cream-earth color spectrum.
The project site is located on one of the main central locations of the city and is at the peak of commercial demand. . The project plan was designed to include an underground (parking and commercial) a ground floor, and a half-floor (commercial) and one floor on which included a flat unit. The employer wanted the basement business to be connected to the ground floor business as well as a completely separate entrance to the residential unit. Thus the project plan was summarized in one commercial unit and one residential unit.
Putting these two functions together that are completely different in nature and needs and coordinating them in one project was the most important design challenge.

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Status: Built
Location: Bangalore City, IN
Firm Role: Architecture and Design