Shota Dzagnidze

Shota Dzagnidze

Tbilisi, GE


Installation - Architectural Symphony

Brief Project description

Installation – Architectural Symphony – sprung from the issues addressing importance of sustainable urban planning design research studies. This project idea is an outcome of my research studies within my PhD program addressing Rehabilitation of Urban Spaces in Tbilisi, capital of Georgia. But to me this approach is universal to other capital cities and spaces alike, which undergo constant changes economically as well as socially.

Looking at progressive capitals and urban spaces, one should see it in a larger context of time and space, which in turn affect social environment globally. objective is to formulate a simple and accessible belief  that carful and thought through planning could improve everyday lives of the communities or even continents. Nothing new here, but the project in the form of installation – Architecture Symphony – would be another reminder or stop sign for those who are directly or indirectly influence urban spaces and environment in the capital.

One of the phenomenon I personally bestow large portion of my interest as an architect is so called “Video Ecology”. This means that built environment where we are merged in willingly or otherwise, need to provide healthy psycho-emotional condition, which shape social well being. Latter affecting productivity in pragmatic terms bringing benefits to those who invest in commercial or social built environment.

All of the above is a short description of what my installation object could represent. being close to the subject name of the project, my installation will try to combine physical representation of imaginary built environment connected trough musical scores that invoke sounds randomly. This will be tried trough  actual physical contact  by the viewer in different combination of layouts on the object panel.  different objects on the physical panel has it is own responding mechanism that produce sound respectively. The goal is to show how physical environment can influence surrounding objects or people by emphasizing it by means of sounds.

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Tbilisi, GE