Terreform UR, New York, NY, US, Architectural Designer
Worked on Terreform’s project, “NYC (Steady) State: Homegrown” by assisting with research and design of proposed food hub for East New York; 3D modelled various proposed scenarios for a food production-centered NYC; worked on various drawings and diagrams for the project.
ReThink Studio, New York, NY, US, Junior Architect
Worked on mapping and design of a regional transportation plan for NYC 2050; designed graphics for web and print, produced website (web/mobile) and two print publications for the ReThinkNYC plan in preparation for its May 2017 launch event at Cooper Union’s Great Hall.
Rami El Samahy, Pittsburgh, PA, US, Architectural Research Assistant
Worked on graphic design and layout for a book proposal on the future of cities and how they will be affected ecologically, technologically, and anthropologically.
Urban Design Build Studio, Pittsburgh, PA, US, Architectural Intern
Worked on material prototyping and research, design development and construction documents for Project RE_, a design build partnership between Construction Junction, the Urban Design Build Studio, and the Trade Institute of Pittsburgh. Was also responsible for creating logistic diagrams, verifying quantities, and supervising processes of construction.
Virgona + Virgona Architects, Edgewater, NJ, US, Architectural Intern
Worked on design development and construction documents for several projects in the Northern New Jersey area and along the Hudson Waterfront developments.
Mars City Design 2016, Award
Top 20 - Mars Port City