shadi abousamrsa

shadi abousamrsa

Sheridan, WY, US



Best way to prepare for the LEED exam.

I offer streamlined preparation courses for the LEED Green Associateand LEED AP exams. The most simplified training that breaks down months of information in a matter of hours.

Offering as well the most comprehensive mock exams, pass those tests and guarantee a pass in the official exam or your money back.

Our service has retained thousands of pleased customers from a wide range of industries, including design studios to corporate companies.

The trainings are provided by a LEED accredited professional, college professor, and sustainability consultant. If you need to learn the LEED material, there is no more qualified instructor to streamline the content.

Enroll and gain instant access. Earn your credentials in a matter of weeks!



archiroots, Sheridan, WY, US, Founder

Mar 2019 - current


IED barcelona, Torino, IT, MArch, Smart buildings and sustainable design

Jan 2016 - Jan 2018

Areas of Specialization