Seongmin Lim

Seongmin Lim

Seoul, KR

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Born in Seoul, Korea, in 1999, Seongmin Lim is an architectural design student based on Seoul and Chungju. 

He currently completed the 4th Year 1st Semester in Chungju, Korea National Univrsity of Transportation, developed his own skills by series of practice collaborating with diverse designers in and out of campus. Through systematic analysis and exploration, he does not persist only on architecture designs but also with many attractive projects beyond his educational boundary. 

Based on the need to enhance international competencies on his passionate stage, his curiosity led him to be selected from the Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement for the Architectural Design Human Resources Development project this year. 


Korea National University of Transportation, Chungju, KR, BArch, Bachelor of Architecture

Mar 2018 - current


2022 Chungcheongbukdo Architecture Award, Honorable Mention


2022 Annual Conference of Chungcheongbukdo Chapter, Award


2022 KUDA Intergrated Exhibition, 1st Place


Areas of Specialization 
