Seoinn Design Group

Seoinn Design Group



Manrihyun Church

Manrihyun Church is 70 years old church located near the hyochang park and Manrihyun-hill. Since it is located at the top of the hill, we try to create the forms to visualize the winds in the hill.

Curvaceous form represent the such winds are passing through the hill and the windows are the phrases of the Bible.

Body of the Manrihyun church also has the shape of the Ark in the mountain and the Cross tower portrays the shape of Anchor to the giant ship - Ark.

Site Area: 2,809sqm

Gross Floor Area 8,000sqm 

Number of Floors: 3F, B3F

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Seoul, KR
Firm Role: Project Architect