Städelschule Architecture Class

Städelschule Architecture Class

Frankfurt am Main, DE


Rundgang APD: Interlocking Modular Assemblies

Ayax Abreu
Feb 24, '12 5:54 AM EST

The Architectural Performative Design studio has investigated ‘Interlocking Modular Assemblies’ for architectural constructions. These assemblies are systems that unfold structural capacity by kinematically constraining and interlocking elements. Medieval stone arch bridges are simple examples of interlocking structures.
Assemblies with modules (stones) that intricately interlock, constrain movement in the vertical direction and form a proper structural system. In the exhibited models, such systems, that originate within material science, are re-conceptualised within an architectural framework. The goal was to develop simple, reversible, force-locked shelter structures in different landscapes with a broad range of formal and material configurations.