University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Los Angeles, CA

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POOL Issue No. 6: PLANT - Call for Submissions

Pool Magazine
Jan 27, '21 7:35 PM EST


To sow and to grow
Is to care and then repair.
To tend we befriend.

The floor that contains
cycles that come and go—
Operation complete.

Gleaning conceptions
The cultivation of which
will show us the way.

We invite you to examine plant with an eye towards all or any of its associated terminology; farmer, laborer, migrant, worker, wage earner, employee; sun, shade, climate; energy, power, nuclear; rhizome, root, germ; programming, automation, mechanisation; seed, spud, pip; manufacture, generator, infrastructure; genealogy, lineage, pedigree; fordization, plantation, systematization; soil, bed, earth; factory, facility, mill; harvest, crop, cull; toil, labor, manufacture;  nurture, care, keep; assembly, processes, forge; germinate, accumulate, pollinate; produce, stockpile, multiply, pullulate.

POOL invites submissions of any form of communicative media and encourages both content endemic to academic publishing and unconventional media (conducted with the awareness of the diversity of plant and the many interpretations it can have). Accepted content will be considered for the 2021 print issue and published digitally on a rolling basis. Submissions for print are due by February 15, 2021. All materials should be submitted digitally to