The AA Graduate School's Landscape Urbanism MA programme is a 12-month studio-based course designed for students with prior academic and professional qualifications. Landscape Urbanism constitutes a collective endeavour to construct a new mode of practice where techniques and modes of operation historically described as landscape design can be integrated into the domain of urbanism. Landscape is incorporated primarily to provide a thematic and scalar opportunity to engage directly with the systems of forces that continuously reconfigure the city. It offers the double opportunity to reframe urban problems and to recontextualize the practice in general. In this context, Landscape Urbanism takes on the task of engineering the new operative capacities emerging in the discipline through the exploration of five aspects: multiscalarity, cross-scalarity, prephysicality, performativity and intensive coexistence. The programme aims to overcome operatively the persistent and still dominant segregation of domains of production, based on standardization and repetition. But rather than focusing on increasing their communication, Landscape Urbanism attempts to make a simple gesture across them, and tries to install itself before them as a discipline, by grounding its specificity in the construction of operative systems of abstract relationships: artificial ecologies that can traverse disparate scales and areas of knowledge. These systems of relations work as a virtual net, a meta-infrastructure that fosters organizational destabilizations and consolidations, and creates the conditions for the generation of new urban materials.
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