Sandy Ghaly

Sandy Ghaly

Los Angeles , CA


3 Hydrologic solutions for a water smart LA

Los Angeles hydrologic future doesn’t only depend on recharging aquifers, it depends on social equity that is not only achieved by infiltrating water into the ground but also by fair access to clean water, livelihood, education, open space and healthy food , accordingly LA must adopt a three scale approach to create a sustainable water smart environment : Landscape scale, Architecture scale and Policy level.

The goal is to construct an environmental scaffold that celebrates a gradual unfolding of unpredictable
transformation, synchronized with precise hydrologic management solutions for each
specific site utilizing landscape practices , new policies and multi-faceted architectural systems
that work coherently to steer variable climate change responses towards synergy.

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Status: School Project
Location: Pacoima, CA, US
Additional Credits: Arid Land Institute, Perkins & Will, LA department of Public Works, Woodbury University

3 scale solution for a water smart LA
3 scale solution for a water smart LA
Transit stations are aligned with infiltration nodes to educate the public and create livable open spaces
Transit stations are aligned with infiltration nodes to educate the public and create livable open spaces
New urban morphology that mimics natural watersheds topographies
New urban morphology that mimics natural watersheds topographies
Hydrologic Zoning overlay
Hydrologic Zoning overlay