SaaN Architectural Design Consultancy, Inc.

SaaN Architectural Design Consultancy, Inc.

Beijing, CN

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bird-eye's view
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Anshan New City Planning, Liaoning Province, China

TangGangZi New Town is located in Anshan city Liaoning province. It is 100 kilometers from the new town to south part of Shenyang city. The whole project site is located in the southern part of Anshan city. It is 10 kilometers from the site to the downtown. The overall space conceptual design ranges: north starts from the intersection of Anhai street and Jianguo street; south to Tianfeng road; west starts from Anhai street; east to Jianguo street with its total land area of 8.97 square kilometers. There is going to plan a “Vibrant city”, “Open city”, “Beautiful city”, and “Healthy city” based on ecological construction, cultural creativity, and technological innovation. Future, TangGangZi new town will become the new urban government center, the cultural center of the central cities, the world-class health center. A set of administrative, commercial, cultural, residential, convalescence, tourism and other functions forms a new city.

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Anshan, CN
Firm Role: Designer
Additional Credits: Nils, Rick Jin , Ella

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bird-eye's view2