Roxana Pinedo

Roxana Pinedo

New York, NY, US


Narrative Reliquary

This Narrative Reliquary was my main project for Architectural Studio 1. I started by creating the bookshelves which consist of vertical connections of 1ft wide beams of wood that at the same time envelope the whole structure. The bookshelves create the facade of the Narrative Reliquary, and it creates a subtle sense of privacy as there are separations where light comes in as well as space for the books to sit. At the same time, there are two vessels that are suspended through different floors and interlock with each other which creates different private areas for reading. The entrance to this design is thought the left side of the sidewalk, and it comes into a staircase with descending seating areas next to them where the visitors can sit and interact with the people on the other side of the sidewalk as there is an open area allowing the people from the outside have a small interaction and glimpse into the design.

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Status: School Project
Location: New York, NY, US
My Role: Designer