Rosaura Hernandez Romero

Rosaura Hernandez Romero

Succasunna, NJ, US


IDOT Building program

The vision of my project is to succesfully intergrate the required 100,000 square feet of parking with the rest of the IDOT building program.

By building on top of the parking deck the residents are able to enjoy a lower the altitude of the building complex, enabeling an outdoor usage

of a 400 meter track on the roof. The complex utilizes sustainable systems such as, natural ventilation, stack effect, shading systems, and roof

gardens. The protype IDOT complex is meant to serve on highways heading east to west, this will allow the building to expose its long acess to

making it sensitive to the path of the sun. The building is not only sensitive to sustainable design but it also allows the visitors

This gives the user greater control and knowledge of the buildings surroundings which can be

the north and south,

to enjoy the views from 4 of the breakout rooms.

very desireable

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Status: School Project
Location: Elgin, IL, US